CMOC 2024 Submissions Type of Submission* Keynote Oral Paper Poster Paper For virtual poster presentations we require submission of a virtual poster (one page) accompanied by a 2 min audio file. PowerPoint with embedded audio is preferred.We are asking all oral presenters to submit their slides as a backup in case there are technical difficulties with projecting your slides from your computer. The slides will be kept by the event host as backup only, unless you wish to display them in the virtual gallery where the Symposium attendees can view them.Where does your submission appear in the timeline of the Event?*Example: First paper in Session 1 is "S1P1". Example: Second paper in Session 5 is "S5P2". If you are unsure, check the Brochure to locate your appearance. Enter Information that you would like to be included with your submission*Enter your contact information and a quick bio here. This information will be displayed along side a link to your submission.Who is your anticipated presenter?*This person(s) will be made a Presenter during the Webinar so that they may share their screen and unmute their microphone.All poster presentations will be publicly accessible in the virtual gallery at the event website. Oral presentations slides will be accessible with authors’ consent. If you are submitting slides for an oral presentation, do you agree to display them in the virtual gallery?* Yes No Upload your File(s)* Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 250 MB. Please upload your submission as an MP4 or MOV. If you run into issues creating this file, please instead upload your submission as a PDF or JPG with along with the separate audio file.NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.