Month: March 2017
Course Archive and Export
HuskyCT allows instructors to create on-demand backups of courses. Course exports and archives are useful in the event individual course materials need to be restored.
The Export/Archive Course utility can create course Archives and Exports. Both options generate a zip file containing materials contained in your course. The Archive option has the additional capability of including student data (e.g. submissions, attempts and grades).
It is recommended that instructors create a course Archive after students complete high-stakes exams, assignments, etc. Course Exports are recommended before making significant changes to course structure or materials.
The Export/Archive Course utility does not negatively impact your course in any way. No data is changed and the course remains available to users throughout the process. Most exports/archives complete within a few minutes, however larger courses may take additional time.
Course exports and archives are stored on the server temporarily (typically less than seven days). Instructors should always plan to download their export/archive files for storage locally [on their device].
It is important to note that no user accessible items are contained in the archive or export. Therefore, users should not attempt to open downloaded course exports/archives. Doing so, may lead to corruption or loss of data. If you need a course archive/export restored, contact a HuskyCT System Administrator at
Below are detailed instructions for creating course Archives and Exports.
Archive Course
To archive a course:
- Log into HuskyCT.
- Click on the course link to be archived (e.g. BIOL-1108, GEOG-1200, STAT-1000Q).
- On the left navgiation menu, under Control Panel, expand the section Packages and Utilities.
- Click on Export/Archive Course (shown below).
- On the Export/Archive Course screen, choose the top menu item Archive Course (shown below).
- On the Archive Course screen, under the Select Copy Sections heading, check the box next to Include Grade Center History (shown below).
- Next, under the File Attachments heading, select the options to “Copy links and include copies of the files in the course default directory” AND “copy only links to files outside of the course default directory” (shown below).
- Next, click the Calculate Size This will give you an indication of the file size associated with your course archive.
- Click the Submit button to initiate the archiving process.
- A marquee at the top of the page should display, letting you know the archive has started (shown below).
- The archive will be available after you receive a successful email notification from HuskyCT.
- To download the completed course archive (zip file), navigate back to Export/Archive Course (see step 4) and click on the link corresponding to your latest archive (shown below). Note: filenames include the HuskyCT Course ID and Date/Time.
- When prompted by your browser, choose the option to Save File.
Export Course
To export a course:
- Log into HuskyCT.
- Click on the course link to be exported (e.g. BIOL-1108, GEOG-1200, STAT-1000Q).
- On the left navgiation menu, under Control Panel, expand the section Packages and Utilities.
- Click on Export/Archive Course (shown below).
- On the Export/Archive Course screen, choose the top menu item Export Package (shown below).
- Next, under the File Attachments heading, select the options to “Copy links and include copies of the files in the course default directory” AND “copy only links to files outside of the course default directory” (shown below).
- Next, click the Calculate Size This will give you an indication of the file size associated with your course archive.
- Lastly, under the Select Course Materials heading, click the Select All button (shown below). Doing so, will automatically select all the necessary checkboxes for a complete course export.
- Click the Submit button to initiate the export process.
- A marquee at the top of the page should display, letting you know the archive has started (shown below).
- The export will be available after you receive a successful email notification from HuskyCT.
- To download the completed course export (zip file), navigate back to Export/Archive Course (see step 4) and click on the link corresponding to your latest export (shown below). Note: filenames include the HuskyCT Course ID and Date/Time.
- When prompted by your browser, choose the option to Save File.